Rotary Club of Mysore Royal Karnataka - Rotary India

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Total Services 30
District Conference

We attended the district conference held at Mangalore.

Regular Club Assembly

We conducted our regular club assembly on 22nd Jan 2025.

Zonal Coordination Meeting

Rtn Hanumatha Rao, attended the zonal coordination meeting conducte. . .

Sports Day Celebration

Rotary Royal along with RCC Prerana conducted the annual sports mee. . .

Regular Club Assembly

We had a regular club assembly on 8th Jan 2025.

Zonal Coordination Meeting

Attended Zonal Coordination Meeting organised at Royal Inn hotel.

Monthly Family Get Together

We had a family get together with fellowship and dinner at JWGC gol. . .

Regular Club Assembly

We conducted a regular club assembly at Sagas, Gokulam to raise fun. . .

Kannada Rajyotsava Celebration

Our club along with our RCC Prerana club celebrated Kannada Rajyots. . .

TRF Seminar

We attended the TRF seminar. A raffle was launched during TRF semin. . .

House Warming Ceremony of Rtn. Naveen

Our RC member Rtn. Naveen has constructed a farm house at Karigala,. . .

Regular Club Meeting

We heald a regular club meeting at Sagas, Gokulam to discuss prepar. . .

Fusion Fellowship

Attended the fusion fellowship meeting between Rotary Club and Lion. . .

Family Get Together and General Body Meeting

We conducted our family get together and general body meeting for t. . .

District coordination meeting

We attended the district coordination meeting for the month of octo. . .

General Body Meeting of Rotary Vidhyanidhi Trust

We attended the general body meeting of rotary vidhyanidhi trust. E. . .

Zone 8 Cultural Festival

We attended Zone 8 cultural festival organised by Rotary Club of Vi. . .

Family Get Together and General Body Meeting

We had our monthly family get together and general body meeting in . . .

Club Assembly 0n 18th September 2024

Agenda - Fund rising for prize distribution in Pratibha Karanji pro. . .

Official DG Visit

We had our official DG visit on 14th September 2024. We honoured th. . .